Being Replaced…by AI

This topic has been hitting some cords lately and as the new digital proliferation is slowly but surely taking over, humans are quickly embracing this change, and while doing so they are also slowly, but definitely getting rid of Human Intelligence; which was the word 10 or so years ago. Fast Forward 10 years, Human…

Bury me in a Library…

Let me touch the words

Heal my life with its colourful covers

Smell eternity through its ink

Watch wisdom through the lenses of all those geniuses

Sparkle into Existence…

Many times we feel a longing To believe, to be, to live Many times we dream of Love, of being loved Many times We see better days We want to be Happy Lets sparkle into existence As we raise our vibrations We rise As we go higher We light our own path And this is…

I Left My Heart in Rio

My Grandmother used to tell me how beautiful her hometown was. I recall, I was so young sitting beside her with my ruffled blue and white dress and my feet barely touching the floor on that white armed sofa, as she recounted how much she loved Brazil and stories about how vast it was. Time…

Stress Vs Challenge

Stress…a word we hear everyday and feel every moment. In the fast paced life where challenges arise, we have to rise to the occasion and carpe diem, otherwise we will be seized by the day. Just like stress doesn’t like to abandon us, try not to abandon yourself and forget that you are as important…


A friend told me once: “wake up with a smile Face your day and challenges with a smile and set yourself free Cheer your loved ones up with a smile and make them happy Get distinguished with a smile and attract all that is great and meant to be Troubled by your circumstances beat them…

My Perfect Cuppa…

My Perfect Cuppa? We have often debated the real way to make a cappuccino or a Latte and have always asked for a consistency in serving our coffees, yet it stands true that sometimes we get confused, as most of the places we have had our coffees lack consistency in taste, and service and we think,…

Will it be Tea or Coffee?

Did you know that other than being a social affair, coffee has other benefits? According to webmd, there are more than 400 billion cups consumed every year, making it one of the most popular beverages in the world. Your daily cup of java may reduce the risk of type II diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and more. Coffee also contains…

Apple Cider Vinegar-Anyone?

Did you know that apple cider vinegar is a multi purpose kitchen item which can be used for food, for the household and as a healthy medicine option? Here is an amazing list of 50 uses for apple cider vinegar- original article on  Candida
 This kind of vinegar is loaded with enzymes that help the body fight candida….

Coffee Before a Nap?

It was suggested the other day by my friend, that a sip of coffee before a nap is the solution to a good quick nap. She promises that you wake up fresh as lavender.. Keep following for more tips from here and there.

To brand or not to brand

Times are evolving, people are becoming more creative, technology is for everyone, from a toddler using an iPad to an adult working on multi screens. We have become, multi functional beings. 20 years ago or so, “global villages” was the topic of the day, now it is a lifestyle, it is where we live. Zones…

What’s the Diet Hype?

Paleo, Gluten free, Lactose free, Organic, GMO, non GMO,  give me a break! So much is going on in the diet world, we need to keep up with the hype. I guess calling it a healthy lifestyle and food compositions as well as mix, is what really matters and defines a better purpose rather than…